Visual Art 30
In the Saskatchewan Visual Arts Curriculum it is stated that, "In Visual Art 30, students purposefully select and manipulate media and image development strategies to express ideas demonstrating personal style and voice. They independently plan and create art works. . . .that demonstrate their ability to innovate and take risks. They use inquiry to create art inspired by Canadian artists whose work responds to socially relevant topics such as sustainability, social justice, diversity, inclusion, resistance and resilience. Students investigate how visual art in Canada can support and build relationships and deepen understanding that we are all Treaty people. They critique art works and reflect on their choice of discipline, content and media in the development of their own voices and styles. Students examine how visual art expressions have evolved over time and continue to inspire change. Student have opportunities to engage with artists and communities to collaborate and build relationships beyond the classroom through visual art experiences." (Ministry of Education, 2019, p.2)
Watercolour LandscapeIn this assignment students learn about the Group of Seven, practice various watercolour techniques and colour mixing, and then paint their own original landscapes using watercolour.
Inuit Inspired Printmaking
In this assignment students learn about Inuit art, draw something that they feel deeply connected to, and then use the dry etching printmaking process to create several prints of their drawings.
Resistance & ResilienceIn this assignment students learn about Canadian artists who have created artworks that feature themes of resistance and/or resilience. Students then critique one of these artworks.
Social Justice ZineIn this assignment students create social justice zines.
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Your Lesson HereDo you have a lesson to share with the SAEA? Click on the "Lessons" tab and follow instructions on how to share your lesson here on the SAEA website.
Visual Art 30 Outcomes
CH30.1 - Investigate how visual art in Canada can support and build relationships and deepen understanding that we are all treaty people. CH30.2 - Examine how visual art expressions have changed over time and/or inspired change in individuals, communities and societies. CH30.3 - Engage with communities to collaborate and build relationships beyond the classroom through visual art experiences. |
CP30.1 - Purposefully select and manipulate media and image development strategies to express ideas demonstrating personal style and voice. CP30.2 - Independently plan and create art works, in selected media and forms, demonstrating personal voice and artistic growth. CP30.3 - Demonstrate ability to innovate and take risks using familiar and unfamiliar art-making processes and techniques. CP30.4 - Use inquiry to create art work inspired by Canadian artists whose work responds to socially relevant topics (e.g., sustainability, social justice, diversity and inclusion). |
CR30.1 -1 Collaborate with peers, teachers, and/or mentors to generate and apply appropriate contextual criteria for a critique of an art work. CR30.2 - Critically respond to art work by Canadian artists whose subject matter is related to resistance and/or resilience. CR30.3 - Critically reflect on choice of discipline, content and media in the development of own voice and style. |