(Visual) Art Education K-8
In the Saskatchewan Arts Education: 1 Curriculum it is stated that, "Arts education is a Required Area of Study in Saskatchewan’s Core
Curriculum. The provincial requirement for Elementary Level Arts Education is 200 minutes of instruction per week for the entire school
year. . . .Time Requirement for Kindergarten to Grade [9] Core Curriculum policy states that the time allotment for arts education at the Elementary Level is 200 minutes per week. The time allotted to Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Art [is] 50 minutes [each] per week" (Ministry of Education, 2011, p.7) . The art education K-8 outcomes that specifically relate to the visual art strand are listed below by grade.
Curriculum. The provincial requirement for Elementary Level Arts Education is 200 minutes of instruction per week for the entire school
year. . . .Time Requirement for Kindergarten to Grade [9] Core Curriculum policy states that the time allotment for arts education at the Elementary Level is 200 minutes per week. The time allotted to Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Art [is] 50 minutes [each] per week" (Ministry of Education, 2011, p.7) . The art education K-8 outcomes that specifically relate to the visual art strand are listed below by grade.
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(Visual) Art Education Outcomes K-8
CHK.1 - Investigate arts expressions found in own homes and school community in relation to own lives. CHK.2 - Recognize a wide variety of arts expressions as creations of First Nations and Métis peoples. |
CPK.4 - Create art works that express own observations and ideas about the world. |
CRK.1 - Respond to arts expressions verbally and non-verbally (e.g., through movement or drawing). |
Grade 1
CH1.1 - Describe the arts and cultural traditions found in own home and school community. CH1.2 - Identify traditional arts expressions of First Nations and Métis artists. |
CP1.7 - Investigate a variety of formal and informal patterns in art works and the environment, and apply observations to own work. CP1.8 - Create art works that express own ideas and explore different forms (e.g., painting, drawing, printmaking) and media (paint, found objects). |
CR1.1 - Demonstrate understanding that the arts are a way of expressing ideas. CR1.2 - Investigate and describe various reasons for creating arts expressions. |
Grade 2
CH2.1 - Identify key features of arts and cultural traditions in own community. CH2.2 - Describe key features of traditional arts expressions of Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis artists. |
CP2.7 - Create visual art works that draw on observations and express ideas about own communities. CP2.8 - Create art works using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., secondary colours), forms (e.g., collage, drawing, painting, sculpture, mobile, traditional art), and media (e.g., paper, found objects, paint, crayons). |
CR2.1 - Examine arts expressions to determine how ideas for arts expressions may come from artists' own communities. CR2.2 - Use inquiry and technology to investigate a variety of arts expressions. |
Grade 3
CH3.1 - Compare how arts expressions from various groups and communities may be a reflection of their unique environment (e.g., North and South Saskatchewan, urban and rural). CH3.2 - Demonstrate an awareness of traditional and evolving arts expressions of Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis artists in own communities or regions. |
CP3.7 - Create visual art works that express ideas about the natural, constructed, and imagined environments. CP3.8 - Create art works using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., contour lines), forms (e.g., drawing, sculpture), and media (e.g., pencils, pastels, found objects). |
CR3.1 - Describe ideas and problem-solving processes used in own arts expressions. CR3.2 - Respond to arts expressions that use the environment (natural, constructed, imagined) as inspiration. |
Grade 4
CH4.1 - Investigate and share discoveries about the arts in Saskatchewan through collaborative inquiry. CH4.2 - Analyze and respond to arts expressions of various Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis artists. |
CP4.7 - Create visual art works that express own ideas and draw on sources of inspiration from Saskatchewan. CP4.8 - Create art works using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., organic shapes), forms (e.g., kinetic sculpture, mural), and media (e.g., wood, wire, and found objects). |
CR4.1 - Analyze how dance, drama, music, and visual art works represent unique ideas and perspectives. CR4.2 - Respond thoughtfully to a variety of contemporary Saskatchewan arts expressions. |
Grade 5
CH5.1 - Examine perspectives on contemporary life as expressed by artists in pop culture and mass media (e.g., representations of young people in ads, sitcoms, animations, and music videos). CH5.2 - Compare traditional and evolving arts expressions of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists from different regions of Canada, and examine influences of pop culture on contemporary arts. CH5.3 - Analyze and describe how arts and pop culture expressions convey information about the time and place in which they were created. |
CP5.7 - Create visual art works that express ideas about, and draw inspiration from, pop culture. CP5.8 - Create art works using a variety of visual art concepts (e.g., positive space), forms (e.g., graphic design, photography), and media (e.g., mixed media, paint). |
CR5.1 - Examine the influence of pop culture on own lives and societies, and investigate the work of selected pop culture artists (e.g., Andy Warhol, popular musicians, movie stars, televised music and dance competitions). CR5.2 - Respond critically and creatively to a variety of pop culture expressions. |
Grade 6
CH6.1 - Investigate how personal, cultural, or regional identity may be reflected in arts expressions. CH6.2 - Identify ways that First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists express cultural identity in contemporary work. CH6.3 - Investigate arts expressions from a range of cultures and countries, and analyze how cultural identity is reflected in the work. |
CP6.10 - Create visual art works that express ideas about identity and how it is influenced (e.g., factors such as pop culture, cultural heritage, peer groups, personal and family interests, gender). CP6.11 - Investigate and use various visual art forms, images, and art-making processes to express ideas about identity. CP6.12 - Demonstrate increased skills and problem-solving abilities in a variety of visual art media. |
CR6.1 - Create personal responses to a variety of arts expressions (e.g., respond to music using poetry, or respond to visual art using music). CR6.2 - Investigate and identify ways that the arts can express ideas about identity. CR6.3 - Examine arts expressions and artists of various times and places. |
Grade 7
CH7.1 - Investigate how artists' relationship to place may be reflected in their work. CH7.2 - Investigate how Indigenous artists from around the world reflect the importance of place (e.g., relationship to the land, geology, region, urban/rural environments). CH7.3 - Investigate and identify a variety of factors that influence artists, their work, and careers. |
CP7.10 - Create visual art works that express ideas about the importance of place (e.g., relationship to the land, local geology, region, urban/rural landscapes, and environment). CP7.11 - Investigate and use various visual art forms, images, and art-making processes to express ideas about place. CP7.12 - Use image-making skills, tools, techniques, and problem-solving abilities in a variety of visual art media. |
CR7.1 - Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works using analysis, personal interpretation, and research. CR7.2 - Investigate and identify ways that the arts can communicate a sense of place. CR7.3 - Examine and describe how arts expressions of various times and places reflect diverse experience, values, and beliefs. |
Grade 8
CH8.1 - Research and share insights about arts expressions that incorporate social commentary. CH8.2 - Analyze the influence of social issues on the work of contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit artists, and share results. CH8.3 - Demonstrate understanding of how contemporary artists use and incorporate new technology into their work. CH8.4 - Examine and respond to the work of artists who incorporate more than one art form in their work (e.g., combining poetry and music). |
CP8.10 - Create visual art works that express student perspectives on social issues (e.g., poverty, racism, homophobia, sustainability). CP8.11 - Select and use appropriate forms, technologies, images, and art-making processes to express student perspectives on social issues. CP8.12 - Solve visual art problems using a variety of processes and media. |
CR8.1 - Respond to professional dance, drama, music, and visual art works through the creation of own arts expressions. CR8.2 - Investigate and identify ways that today's arts expressions often reflect concern for social issues. CR8.3 - Investigate and identify how arts expressions can reflect diverse worldviews. |